Block of the Month: Once Upon A Time Fairy Tale Puzzle Quilts is happy to report that our designers are ambitious!  Calling all shop owners: Beth Helfter, the author of our very own Once Upon a Time Fairy Tale Puzzle Quilts, has developed a Block of the Month program to support the book and is available for free download from her website. This is a great way to use the book and generate traffic through your store every month. From Beth's website, : "Are you looking for a new BOM program for your shop? Look no further! "Once Upon a Time" allows for a fun BOM program that can be used by your customers to create a completely individual fairy tale puzzle quilt in just 10 months. Along the way they will learn or further master machine applique and have a ball with embellishments that can both enhance and personalize the finished product. Click Block of the Month to download a free pdf of the program."
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