Collection: GTD - Golden Thyme Designs & L and L Studios - Lacey J. Hill

Lacey J. Hill, designer, teacher, lecturer & author is the owner of Golden Thyme Designs, a multi-faceted design studio founded in 1988 which encompasses fiber art, color consultation, fashions for home interiors & faux finishing services.  As a freelance graphic artist, she produces cover art for the music and print industries along with patterns and designs for fellow quilt artists. Recently, she collaborated with Ro Gregg on two books of quilt patterns titled, “Easy Sew with Lacey & Ro” and “2 Easy Sew with Lacey & Ro".

Lacey is a self-professed Fabric-aholic who has a wonderful Qubby (Quilting Hubby) John and two incredible girls that accept her insatiable need for the latest fabric to inspire the next design.  In her work you will find bold Eastern and Hawaiian influences flavored with the traditional Baltimore Appliqué and speckled with non-traditional fiber art.  She truly delights in the journey of the interplay between color & fabric design.