Collection: PRL - PRL Quilts - Joyce Riley

Joyce Riley of PRL Quilts lives in Houston and says she is "married to a real sweetie who's job it is to take care of me (I'm a full-time job!). His name is Bill." She has been quilting for over 25 years and designing patterns for over 10. Joyce is inspired by whatever strikes her - fabric, color, a dream, "I'm not picky." When not quilting, she is a project manager for construction work doing tenant build out work.

Joyce is also part of a group that has provided over 2,000 quilts to soldiers returning from war who are injured. "I'm very proud to be associated with them to honor all of my family who have served our country." In addition to everything else, Joyce attends a Quilting Queen Retreat every year. She has designed a mystery quilt for that retreat for each of the 10 years they have been getting together. Her goal in those patterns is a beautiful quilt with a top that can be completed in 4-6 hours - even by a beginner!