Collection: DBM - Design And Be Mary - Mary Mittelstadt

Mary has been creating ever since she can remember! Encouraged and driven in her efforts, she enthusiastically pursued a wide array of artistic endeavors. Graduating with a degree in art/art education, she taught high school art for almost 5 years before beginning a 25 year career as a professional artist selling her own work. Since her greatest strength is creativity and design, she has been able to apply her skills and succeed in various media - fibers, illustration/calligraphy, jewelry and beadwork, often "stealing" from one to enhance the other!

Having been introduced to handwork and fabric from a young age, she has never been far from needle and thread! Mary started quilting in the early 1980's and has been fortunate to win a number of awards and ribbons for her quilts, knitting and sewing. Recently, she became intrigued with wool and wool felt. Unable to find designs and patterns suited to her taste and encouraged by others, she went to work designing and creating her own patterns.

While Mary very much enjoys sharing her interest and experience in these various pursuits, she is most interested in helping others to find, rediscover, and utilize their creative intuition.

In her spare time, Mary enjoys all kinds of handwork, travel, camping, photography, music, gardening and history. Never one to have idle hands, you will most likely find her working on her latest creative endeavor!