[caption id="attachment_2036" align="aligncenter" width="236"]
Gypsy Jacket[/caption] Do you have a stash full of fabrics just waiting to be used? "Found Fabric" Projects Sheets are downloadable instructions for creating unique and creative garments using patterns you may already have. With each project you learn how to start with an existing pattern, make simple changes, choose compatible fabrics, learn a particular sewing technique and anything else you need to know to make that particular project a success. The
Gypsy Jacket was created using Brensan Studio's
Fragments Jacket Pattern. I love projects that allow me to raid my stash and create unique projects like the
Hi- Lo Shell. (shown below) I can use my
Wisteria Sleeveless Shell pattern for this one. If you have another basic sleeveless shell pattern you would like to use just make sure it is a one with a traditional (level) hem or Hi-Lo Hem. You get to decide where the vertical seams are.
Hi-Lo Shell[/caption] Another favorite Found Fabric Project Sheet is the
Wool Swing Jacket. (shown below)
Brensan Studios made this in a collection of wool fabrics but it would be fabulous in linens, denims, boucles, silks -- you name it -- a swing jacket is great in ANY fabric.

Wool Swing Jacket[/caption] Brensan Studios was inspired to create these project sheets since the "Upcycle" 'thing' is quite the rage now, where you take a garment and do something to it - add lace cuffs, cut off the collar, add embellishments, etc. That's a fun direction and a great outlet for creativity, but we just had to approach the whole thing a bit differently. We do love the idea of "Found Fabric", but really like to work with patterns. Once there is a pattern that fits, we can easily "on-the-fly" make changes to the pattern, but it is much quicker to use a pattern as the basis. For this approach, you collect garments (or other textile items), wash and dry them, cut them up and create a stash. Then you pull "Fabric" from your stash for your sewing project. Similar to Upcycling or Repurposing, but with a different twist." [caption id="attachment_2042" align="aligncenter" width="287"]
Purple Pagoda[/caption]
The Purple Pagoda (shown above) is a project sheet that shows you how to create a basic Kimono Style Pattern made with strips of Silky Fabrics. This would also be great made in linens, ethnic weaves, flannels, and any other light to medium weight collection of fabrics
The Found Fabric Project Sheets can all be purchased from QuiltWoman.com. What do you think of them?