Quilting for Health
Rose Moss Quilt Pattern[/caption] Students interviewed a small group of 30 quilters and found that quilting improved their cognitive, creative and emotional well-being. The study concluded that the use of bright colors was ‘uplifting’, the activity distracted from the stress of work, and quilting offered challenges such as maths and geometry. It also increased confidence and had an important social side. [caption id="attachment_2296" align="aligncenter" width="266"]
Rainbow Nine Patch Pattern[/caption] Participants experienced ‘flow’ while quilting. A strong social network fostered the formation of strong friendships. Sharing with others and receiving positive feedback from others boosted self-esteem and increased motivation to improve quilting skills. Quilters in the study often donated quilts to charities and this gave quilting added purpose. [caption id="attachment_2298" align="aligncenter" width="319"]
Color Explosion Quilt Pattern[/caption]
Three ways Quilting Improves Health
1. Quilting for Mental Health. We know that quilting is great for mental health in particular. First you have to have a visual of the project and and decide on colors, textures and types of fabrics. If you make any changes to the patterns this often takes a lot of planning. Decisions like what dimensions to use and what size to cut the pieces are all "left brain" activities help keep your mind sharp. 2. Quilting for Relaxation. There is something peaceful about going through the motions of a quilting. I love pressing the fabric for a new project. The cutting, piecing and eventually the quilting are all familiar and repetitive tasks can lull me into a peaceful state. The gentle whir of the sewing machine instantly relaxes me. 3. Quilting to Improve Confidence. Another way quilting can improve our mental health and lead to physical health benefits is by improving our self-esteem. Developing a improving quilting skills through quilting projects can lead to a significant boost of self confidence. We demonstrate the use of skills through our projects and show them to others, receive positive feedback and are motivated to improve skills further. Also offering positive feedback to others can improve our well- being. Do you have a personal "healing through quilting" story to share? We want to hear from you.