Trick or Treat.... Smell my Feet.... Give me something good to eat.....
When I was a kid, we used to chant this as we went from house to house. I remember us all running around the neighborhood in our costumes. One year I was a robot... I made my costume out of a refrigerator box wrapped in tin foil. I had a small slit cut to see out of and a 'deposit candy here' opening with a pillowcase hooked to the inside of the box to catch the candy. This was one of those costumes that in theory was awesome, but the practicality of it.... not so brilliant. I could barely navigate front steps. It was hilarious! I thought it looked like a robot, but I'm sure I just looked like a huge box wrapped in tin foil hobbling down the street. It turned out to be unseasonably warm that year... so I baked inside of my toasty box... I could have been a microwave!

Halloween last year, my sweetie and I. We are supposed to be Ragnar and Lagertha, but I'm afraid we look more like Hagar the Horrible and
Bat Mats
So let's get to some spooky fun! I can't wait to show you some of the fun projects I have for you! I made a bunch of Bat Mats... they are so stinkin cute and are a great way to use up leftover scraps of Halloween fabric.

Make a bunch of Bat Mats and sew them onto some orange and white bakers twine for a batty garland to welcome the little zombies that visit this Halloween.
I love that fall is right around the corner. I am looking forward to the cooler days and the sound of the leaves crunching under foot. I am already thinking about Halloween and have been having fun doodling... I came up with this mischievous Jack-O-Lantern that's sure to make your trick or treaters giggle. I've put the design on a tea towel from Dunroven but this design would be wonderful on a 10-minute table runner, apron or made into a mini quilt. I pulled some festive fabric from my fabric stash, this is a great project to use up some bits and pieces you may have in your sewing room. Let's get stitching! You will need a copy of the pattern... Jack-O-Lantern can be found on the website... Fabrics in the following colors, orange, orange print, black, black print and gold. I used Heat-n-bond lite, and Lana Wool in black from Aurifil. For cutting my pieces out, my applique scissors from Olfa work wonderfully.

I've traced all my applique shapes onto the paper side of the heat n bond. grouping together pieces that will be cut out of the same color.

I have all my pieces cut out and ready to iron onto my tea towel.

Using the pattern placement sheet as a guide, place your pieces onto your towel. Remember to peel off the paper on the back.

Then using a buttonhole stitch on your machine, stitch along the edges.

To add a little extra detail, I 'drew' my star like I would as a kid. Sewing from point to opposite point.

Instead of using my regular thread, I used Lana Wool from Aurifil. This thread is a bit thicker and requires a bigger stitch size. I adjusted my machine stitches accordingly using a 3.5 width and 3. length. Play around on some scrap fabric and see what you prefer to use with your machine.

~ Jack-O-Lantern ~
Hope that you like Jack, I think he's adorable! Now I'm off to find some pumpkin spice coffee and do a little sewing. I hope you have a great day and find some time to do some sewing. Both of these patterns can be found on my website.
Happy Quilting,
Cindy and Belvedere

Click here to purchase the Going Batty Mug Mat pattern Click here to purchase the Jack-O-Lantern pattern. Click here to see the full selection of Quilt Doodle Designs patterns.