We are back with our 5 Tips Friday series! This is our third and final segment of How to Find More Time to Quilt which features some great tips and techniques from our designers. Don't miss the first and second segments of this mini blog-series. If you like what you see, make sure you sign up for our mailing list to get new blog post notifications. We also offer free drawings from time to time and you are automatically entered if you are part of our list. You don't even have to enter! Read on to discover some great time saving ideas...

Nan Baker's "Midnight in Manhattan"Quilt Pattern
How to Find More Time to Quilt Part 3
1. Maximize peak times.
Do you consider yourself a "morning person" or a "night owl?" Carol McDowell of Quilted Fabric Arts says that you should maximize your own peak productive time-frames. She states, "Use this to your advantage because your most productive work will be at that time." So if you are your most creative and productive during the evening hours, save the heavy lifting for that time. If you are a morning person, leave the more monotonous, mundane tasks for later in the day.

Skiing Under the Moonlight by Carol McDowell
2. Go To Retreats.
Reeze Hanson of Morning Glory Designs schedules at least four quilting retreats per year. According to Reeze, "By planning ahead I arrange my work schedule well in advance, and have the projects laid out and ready in the order I need to work on them. Three or four solid days of sewing can really make a dent in my project pile and I get to enjoy some wonderful friends in the process."

January Carnation by Reeze Hanson
3. Stay Focused. Don't Get Distracted.
Nan Baker of Purrfect Spots claims that she is able to get so much quilting and designing done by staying in sharp focus. It's easy to get distracted, says Nan, but you simply must make your quilting a priority. Nan says, "Schedule a time every day that you can say, 'I am stitching for 30 minutes' and stay focused. Don't get distracted by house cleaning, phone calls or computer. Commit that time to your projects. As I have heard it said, my day is not complete until fabric, thread and needle meet. I definitely feel that way!"

Dresden Mum Quilt Patterb by Laura Estes
4. Tote it.
Like many of us, Laura Estes of Laura's Sage Country Quilts is challenged with a small studio space. She has found a great organizing system. "I have to keep projects corralled and organized so I use clear Super Satchel Totes by ArtBin. All the fabric, tools, thread and pattern go in the bin. When I have 10-15 minutes to work on a project I don’t have to waste time searching for all the parts. When the blocks are cut out, I place the pieces as they are to be sewn on parchment paper and layer in the totes. Then all I have to do is flip open the lid and start sewing. The totes makes it easy to transport or put away quick as well."

Elaine Kosnac "It's a Mystery to Me" quilt pattern
5. Keep it out.
Most of our designers mentioned that keeping the sewing machine set up and the ironing board out was a huge time saver that leads to having more time to quilt. Elaine Kosnac of Quilters Nook Studio says, "Have an area where your machine is ALWAYS set and ready to stitch. Even if it's a card table in a corner. That way when you find your self with a few extra minutes you can stitch up a block without wasting the set up and prep time!" Thank you for joining us today. We would love to hear your time saving tips.