Cape Cod Carry All Pattern
We have long admired Barbara Huber's clever handbag patterns. As a special treat to you, we are offering her patterns at 20% off for a limited time. Visit QuiltWoman.com to see all of Barbara's patterns. Recently, I had a chance to get to know more about Barbara and her creative process. Here is what she had to say. QW.com- At what age did you begin sewing? What was the biggest challenge as a beginning sewer? Barbara Huber (BH) - I began sewing at about age 13 or 14. My mom is a talented seamstress and always emphasized good technique in sewing. My impatience and lack of attention to detail meant that I spent a great deal of time as a young sewer with a seam ripper in my hand. I am grateful for those lessons learned early on because I would not be the sewer that I am today without great guidance in the beginning years. QW- You design a lot of hand bag and tote patterns, what inspires you to create them? BH-I love purses but I don’t always like the prices of purses. My first pattern, The Knot Handle Reversible Tote, was inspired by an overpriced, poorly made sack that I saw in an upscale shop. I thought that I could do a better job so I went home, grabbed some muslin and went to work. I also love the fact that an individual can take one of my patterns and make a bag that is completely unique...a one of a kind. I always try to include ideas for customizing my bags in the patterns so that each sewer can truly end up with a “designer original.” I hope that my patterns are just the beginning in a creative process that results in a beautiful project.

Knot Handle Reversible Tote Pattern
QW- If you had more time to sew, what would you make? BH-I would love to make a Baltimore Album quilt but think that I need to work on my applique before I tackle one. Maybe when I retire….. QW- What inspires y0ur designs? Each one is so different from the next? BH-I find inspiration in many places. I always carry a notepad with me and if I see an element in a purse or tote that I like, I write it down. The idea for the Napa Valley Picnic Tote grew out of necessity. My husband and I enjoy concerts and performances in parks and were tired of lugging a big cooler. I try to design bags that I would like to carry and that have some unique elements that are interesting and fun to sew.

Napa Valley Picnic Tote Pattern
QW- What are you working on right now? Where are you at in the process? BH- I always have several projects going at the same time. One is contemporary quilt that I am making for my daughter and her fiance. This project is still in the planning stages. Another is a batik quilt that was a block of the month from about a year ago...I got a little behind! Most of the blocks are finished but I have quite a bit of work to do on the settings for the blocks. I always have some hand work around too. My favorite is wool applique. QW- What is your favorite quote and why? BH- “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” - Winston Churchill. This quote says it all for me. It’s important not to get so wrapped up in “getting” that we forget to give back.

Memory Quilt Pattern
QW- What would your perfect day be like? Who would you spend it with? What would you do? Where would you go? BH- For me, any time spent with my family is treasured. My son, daughter-in-law, my daughter and future son-in-law all live out of town so when my husband and I get everyone together it is a special treat. Having everyone at our cottage on Lake Chautauqua in NY is always fun. We don’t need to be doing anything extraordinary. Just being together is a perfect day for me. Thanks so much for joining me for my chat with Barbara Huber!