How quickly can you identify popular quilt block patterns? Want to take a short quiz to test your QIQ (Quilting Intelligence Quotient)? Choose from the multiple choice options below and see how well you know your quilt block patterns.
Quilt Block Patterns Quiz

Quilt Block Pattern #1 (above)
a. Hands All Around
b. Lone Star
c. Friendship Star
d. None of the above

Quilt Block Pattern #2 a. Drunkards Path b. Winding Paths c. Orange Peel

Quilt Block Pattern #3 a. Cut Glass Dish b. Flying Geese c. Hens and Chickens d. All of the above

Quilt Block Pattern #4 a. Log Cabin b. Handy Andy c. Quilted Strips

Quilt Block Pattern #5 a. Eight Patch Star b. Dresden Plate c. Lemoyne Star d. None of the above

Quilt Block Pattern #6 a. Monkey Wrench b. Cut Glass Dish c. Handy Andy
Quiz Answers
So how did you do? Here are the answers...Quilt Pattern #1- From Spinning Under Control by designers Valerie McMickle & Peg Fegely of The Quilt Patch. If you guessed "C, " you are correct. This quilt pattern uses the Friendship Star.
Quilt Pattern #2- From Many Paths by designer Elisa Wilson of Backporch Designs. If you guessed "A," you are correct. This quilt was designed as a Block of the Month Quilt Pattern. Each of the 12 blocks is written on a separate sheet of paper so you can do one block at a time. Quilt Pattern #3- This block is part of the Four Geese A Flying Quilt Pattern, so if you guessed "B," you got this one right. Designed by Christina McCourt of C McCourt Quilt Designs, this charming quilt features groups of four flying geese and half square triangles.
Quilt Pattern #4- If you guessed "A," Log Cabin, you are correct. The Mount Everest Quilt Pattern by designer Barb Sackel is the perfect quilt for anyone that enjoys the outdoors. Just throw Mount Everest over you and enjoy the view!
Quilt Pattern #5- This block was taken from the LeMoyne Beauty Quilt Pattern. So if you guessed "C," you are right on. From designer Brenda Plaster of Spool and Bobbin Quilting, this a traditional block pattern that looks great done in traditional or vintage reproduction civil war fabrics.
Quilt Pattern #6- The correct answer to this one is "A." This Checkerboard Quilt Pattern by designer Sue Beevers of Trillium Ridge Quilt Patterns, features the delightful Monkey Wrench Block.
So how did you do? All the patterns above are available for download and/or paper patterns on our site,
Check our Monday QIQ Quiz on Facebook for more challenging blocks to identify!