We are finally on our way to the International Quilt Market in Houston! Yee Hah! We elected to drive this year and it's proving to quite the adventure. We have 2 minivans loaded with new quilt patterns and the quilts themselves!
We left Western New York yesterday evening and had an uneventful trip to Cleveland, Ohio. Today has proven to be anything but uneventful. We have discovered that after many, many hours on the road, you see some amazing things and somethings you just want to shake your head at.
Going over the Ohio River in Cincinnati was nice.

This building in Kentucky caught our attention. We had found an 80's rock station by this time. Perfect for traveling!

Then we spotted this barn! Very cool and appropriate. What block is that???

We all got a chuckle out of this “mobile home.”

It was now lunch time. We have had enough of Mickey D's already, so we decided on a Cracker Barrel. It's been a long time since I've been to one. We almost didn't get beyond the gift shop! And of course, we had to try out the rocking chairs on the front porch.

At the point we started to get punchy and couldn't remember what day it was. Seriously!!! So we grabbed a post-it note and stuck it on the dash. Problem solved.

Then it was time for another bio-break. We pulled into a rest area and one of us really had to use the facilities. Unfortunately, six buses of Seniors pulled in and unloaded just before our arrival. No way were we even getting near a rest room. We were laughing so hard, we forgot to take a picture.
But we were closing in on Nashville. We were just making the turn to head West towards Memphis when we came upon this group of bikers. They had 2 police cars leading them, a tour bus behind them, and about 20 bikes inbetween. One of the bikes had the license plate "GUVNOR" Govenor??? Of Tennessee? No way. I need to Google that one. (Sorry about the buggy windshield!)

Then we started to forget what state we were in. Seriously. This was our third state of the day. And between trying to remember where we were, and where we were going and where we might stay, the mind was reeling. Our solution? Pull out the post it notes again

But we do appreiate the speed limits outside of New York State

It was time for another potty stop in Bucksnort, TN.

When we pulled into the gas station, this building worried us for a minute. We did find a flush toilet inside the gas station. Phew.

We decided to skip the pinball museum.

As I write this, we are cruising into Memphis where we will spend the night. The sun is setting and so far it's been a 13 hour day for us.

But the light is at the end of the tunnel. We'll be in Houston tomorrow night. So while our families are enjoying the cold damps days in the Northeast, we are breaking out the shorts! You will know us by our pasty white legs.