My name is Kathryn Hecker and I'm the owner/designer for Penny Lane Primitives. I've had an ongoing love affair with sewing since I was in elementary school. Over the years I tried pretty much every craft out there. Knitting, crocheting and embroidery have always been my passions, but more than anything, I absolutely love hand stitching! My desire to find something that I could turn into a profitable business finally blossomed in the form of my whimsical penny rugs. I started selling my completed designs on Ebay, but found it impossible to keep up with the demand. Then after many requests for patterns, I decided to give that a try. That's when Penny Lane Primitives was born.
Pattern Tip:
Here's a little tip for you...trace all of your pattern pieces onto freezer paper. You can then press the freezer paper onto your fabric for a temporary bond. This makes cutting your pieces a breeze! Once everything is cut out you just remove the freezer paper and you're good to go! I like to pin my pieces in place but stapling works too!