Today we welcome Nancy from Nancy Zieman Productions to the Blog

Nancy’s Spool quilt block first appeared when I was writing the No-Hassle Triangles book. The block really spoke to me. After receiving a gift certificate for a barn quilt, from my mother, a larger-than-life version of this block hangs on our fourth-generation family barn. This design is the inspiration for the Nancy’s Spool Quilts pattern. It‘s a fun traditional quilt to sew in two different sizes. Learn how to create the Nancy’s Spool signature block using half-square triangles (HSTs) and quick-piecing methods.

Get your copy of the new pattern at

The quilt design features yardage from my debut fabric line, Garnet by Penny Rose Fabrics, a division of Riley Blake Designs. Make the quilt using Garnet or sew the design in your favorite light, medium, and dark fabric values.

Step 1. Mark
- Set the gauge to the desired block size.
- Place the No-Hassle Triangle Gauge on the cut squares.
- Mark the diagonal line with a non-permanent marking pen.

Step 2. Stitch
- Stitch 1/4″ from the diagonal line, along the left side.
- Chain piece multiple pairs of blocks.
- Clip threads between pieces.

- Rotate each block and sew again, 1/4″ from the marked diagonal line, along the left side.
- Chain piece.

Step 3. Cut and Press
- Using rotary cutting tools, cut each square along the marked diagonal line.

- Press seam allowances towards the darker fabric.
Assemble the Quilt
- Arrange the required HSTs as described in the Nancy’s Spool Pattern.

- Sew pairs of blocks together to form rows.
- Sew rows together to create the Nancy’s Spool Quilt block.
Sashing and Cornerstones
The Nancy’s Spool Quilt pattern gives detailed instructions for cutting and assembling the sashing and cornerstone pieces for the quilt. These units are used to frame the 20 quilt blocks to create the design.

Watch No-Hassle Triangles (Part One and Part Two) on Sewing With Nancy online.